One-stop shop for AI Data Center: Ablecom and Kitahama GRF Collaborate in Japan.

Ablecom has been specializing in high-end server chassis and cooling solutions for nearly 30 years. With a steadfast commitment to integrity and quality control, Ablecom has built strong relationships and a solid reputation in Japanese market where is known for it’s highly meticulous industrial culture. Recently, the growing demand for AI data centers has led to a collaboration between Ablecom and Kitahama GRF Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "KGC"). KGC is involved in renewable energy power generation and data center development, focusing on meeting customers' power efficiency and cooling performance requirements. To assist clients in reducing operating costs and minimizing environmental impact, this collaboration will create an integrated solution provider combining hardware, software, and services, offering a key advantage in expanding deployments in Japan.